MaJa's Rain Forest Let's Plant a Seed!

"What is a Seed?"

A seed is a baby plant just waiting to be born! A seed has a special coat, and inside that coat is a tiny thing called an embryo and some food to help it when it is time to grow. In order for it to grow, the conditions have to be just right. Sometimes, the seed may wait years for everything to be just right.



When everything is just right, the seed swells up and breaks the special coat. The little embryo starts to grow using the food stored inside the seed.




First, it pushes a root out and down, and then a shoot up until it reaches the top of the soil where it can unfold it's leaves. Once the leaves unfold, it can make food for itself using energy from the sun (this is called Photosynthesis).




One way you can see for yourself is to try this experiment. Ask your teacher or Mom or Dad to help you with this.

Help Me Plant A Seed!

1. Find a container for your experiment. If you want to see the seed swell up and make roots and a shoot, it should be made of clear glass or plastic. You can use a glass or jar, but if it will be handled or moved around, use a clear plastic glass or jar so it will not break.



2. The seed will need something to grow in. For this special experiment, you might use cotton balls, or even paper towels! Fill your container about 3/4's full with cotton, paper towels, or whatever you have chosen for your experiment.

Whatever you use for your seed to grow in, you will need to add some water for the seed to absorb (drink). Since, the container does not have a hole for water to drain, add a little at a time and if a lot stands in the bottom, you should drain it out.


3. Pick a seed! You can use the dried pinto beans or peas from the store if you want a vine that will climb all over the place! If you don't have beans or peas, you can use corn, but that will quickly outgrow your container.




4. Press your seed down into the cotton or paper towels next to the side of the container. By putting it next to the side, you can watch when the seed begins to swell and sprout.

Be sure the seed is snuggled into the cotton so it can absorb the water. Place your experiment near a window where it will receive good light but won't get too hot. Keep an eye on the cotton or paper towels to make sure they never dry out. On the other hand, you do not want too much water standing in the bottom of the container.

5. Now we will watch what happens and report it here in a week or so!





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